Mosaic murals & decorative mirrors gallery Mosaics are so versatile they can be created for virtually any space. Mosaic murals, mirrors, splash backs, entry statements – we’re really only limited by imagination. Here’s just a few mosaic murals & mirrors I’ve created in mosaic.Stone of Tizoc mosaic mandalaFlamenco lady mosaic art workGalahs mosaic entry statementAztec sunstone mosaic mandalaCommemorative mosaic artworkLion fish mosaic outdoor muralWater Dragon mosaic entry statementLake Baroon mosaic muralRiver School Community MosaicMorning wave mosaic muralCircle of life mosaic mandalaTransformer – Lou Reed mosaic portraitMosaic portrait “Satchmo & Lady Ella”Tropical Reefs outdoor mosaic muralCane Fire Season mosaic wall hangingSpringburst mosaic mandala muralAstrology signs mosaic tabletop / muralMaleny Community MosaicWisdom Tree outdoor mosaic wall muralWandering Geckos mosaic wall muralVitruvian mosaic muralMosaic nude murals untitledUniversal Law mosaic art mandalaSunset stream mosaic muralSunset Silhoette mosaic muralSt Peter Chanel mosaic mural installationStarry Night mosaic muralStarry night mosaic splashback“Springburst” mosaic mandalaFrom the Spit outdoor mosaic wall muralWaterlillies mosaic shop counterSecret women’s business mosaic muralSantorini Sunset mosaic muralReclining nude mosaic muralRainforest Moon mosaic muralNightwatch mosaic muralNicole pique assiette mosaicAustralian native birds mosaic mural setMermaid mosaic muralMeditation nude mosaic muralMandala for Matt mosaic muralKondalilla mosaic muralsKokopelli mosaic muralJohn Lee Hooker mosaic portraitIndian Flowers mosaic muralIn the Bush outdoor mosaic mural set of 3Goddess mosaic mandala“Ganesha 2” mosaic muralGanesha mosaic muralForest Dawn outdoor mosaic waterfall muralEnoggera State School mosaic projectElemental Nudes mosaic mural set of 4Coral Reefs mosaic wall muralColoured Gecko mosaic muralCeltic Cross mosaic muralMosaic welcome sign Bliss Centre MalenyBaru community mosaic muralBaroon Moon mosaic muralAztek decorative mosaic mirrorAustralian Native Wildflowers mosaic muralsAngelina mosaic mural